Speaking Jackass

On to Valentine’s Day

Posted in children,donkeys,experience,life by girlhappynow on 07/07/2012
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By Valentine’s Day, it was apparent that there were no separate rooms for Boy and Lilith (Yuck!)  By summer time she had started answering the door in a sport bra and sarong (Double Yuck!). Girl had to ask Boy to have her wear more clothes in front of the children.  Bubba and Peanut were not attached to Lilith and made sure that Girl knew they did not appreciate her presence, but they liked the dog she brought with her – a Jack Russel Terrier also named Lilith (name not disguised).  They liked this dog until one day it scratched Bubba on the face and snapped at Peanut.  Of course, the explanation is that the kids provoked the dog, but how does a 2-year-old know not to hold a dog’s tail unless they are taught.  Never having had a pet before, Lilith and Boy thought that it would just be common knowledge on how to treat the dog – guess what?  Kids need to be

taught everything or at least provided guidance…and for sure, never be left alone with an animal until they are mature enough to handle it.


Parenting was not their forte – who actually knew if they spent time in the room with the kids or even the kids and the dog?  Not having siblings to watch because he was very spoiled, or even experience babysitting – because his rich dad didn’t want him to do women’s work…..Boy had no idea what parenting actually meant.

Nothing Going On ($#%&^%$#!!)

Posted in discovery,divorce,self-esteem by girlhappynow on 07/06/2012
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Boy reassured Girl that there was nothing going on between him and Lilith.  Boy reassured Girl that the children think she is nice and that they would not be left alone with her.  Lilith is simply a border.  Girl is not that stupid and knows something is up.  She sees that Boy is easing this stranger into their lives -his, the children and her life!  Boy does not introduce Girl to Lilith – Girl of course, introduces herself.  Girl is adamant that this woman, with no child-raising experience, have no say in how the boys are raised, and that Boy needs to maintain his role as the parent in the household, completing homework and the rest of the duties required of being a parent.  Lilith always hid from Girl – staying away from the door when Girl dropped off the boys, or being in the kitchen acting productive (more on this later).

Girl got to wondering, since it had only been less than 2 months that she moved out, the divorce papers had not yet even been completed, how long had this plan to move Lilith in  been in the works.  Girl knew that Lilith worked with Boy in the kitchen of a strip club.  Boy went to work for a ‘catering’ company that was located in the back of a strip club.  Lilith worked there and for a while so did Girl’s brother.  Boy found this strip-club job after getting kicked out of the United States and previously leaving his secure job with benefits.

Note:  Lilith worked (and now works) wherever Boy worked (works).  He hires her as  kitchen help because she does not have any qualifications or certifications.  Must be some insecurity issues on both sides – they need to be in each other’s sight at all times.


Girl found it hard to understand who was orchestrating what at this time – Boy or Lilith?  Boy did not (and still does not) have the guts to actually carry out a plan like this without having the back up waiting.  


Posted in children,divorce,experience,life,moving,rumors,self-esteem by girlhappynow on 07/04/2012
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By the end of January, things seemed to be settling down and routines developing.  The kids were in school or at day care.  Pick ups and drop offs coordinated with MammaMia and Girl visiting every evening that the boys were are her mom’s for dinner and on the weekend.  The boys did seem a little quiet, waiting at the door to be picked up.  Girl made sure to walk them to the door at every drop off.  Funny enough,  having only been out of the marital home for 45 days, Girl attends to pick up the boys and a woman answers the door.  Let’s call this woman Lilith (think of Frasier’s scary, dracula-like wife).  Apparently Lilith worked with Boy and she needed a place to stay(?).  So Boy moved Peanut into Bubba’s room and gave Lilith Peanut’s room (?) so that she could live there and pay rent to him.  Sure @!##!$?!!

Again, no thought about the children, just what would satisfy Boy’s needs and his alone.  No communication with Girl about who this woman was, no credentials, references or anything. Just satisfaction for Boy.

It Starts to Fall Apart

Posted in experience by girlhappynow on 10/31/2010
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Boy was gone and already communication started to fall apart. Lilith thought she ruled.  Thought she was in charge.  Portrayed herself as supermom, not the wishy-washy and soon to be vindictive, low self-esteem, wine guzzling bitch.  Lilith always had low self-esteem, still does.  She relies on Boy to get her jobs, works in the kitchen as ‘help’ though she tries to tell everyone she is the sous chef….when there are only 2 of you in the kitchen, you are the help.

Girl would call every night as she always did to say good night  to the children, now the phone was not being answered, or calls would go to voicemail, or messages not passed along. This was Lilith’s way of stemming communication and ties so that the boys would not want to leave to go elsewhere.  Her attempt at sending a message to Girl that she was now the mom.  This would not last!

Money Issues, Of Course

When Girl asked how they would communicate about the kids, Boy said by email and that he would be getting an international cellphone so that he could call them.  He would not be giving Girl the number because she would not need it.  Girl could communicate with Lilith!  Lilith would be responsible for driving the kids to school and pick up from Girl’s mom’s.

Boy also explained that although his pay was not going to be the same as he was earning at the Golf Club, it was in US funds and also tax-free because it would be earned on international waters so he would come out way ahead. (HAHA)  Boy would not discuss his salary or provide evidence of it for Girl to be able to determine how much of Bubba’s orthodontic expenses he would need to cover.  As usual, it was up to Girl to pay for everything…even more so now that Boy would not be around.

For monetary concerns, as Girl was paying child support, Boy asked Girl to continue to put child support into a specific account that they had set up and was still held jointly for this purpose.  This amount of course, would cover the mortgage.

The Meeting Starts

Posted in jobs by girlhappynow on 09/22/2010
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Boy explains to Girl that he has been unemployed since January.  It is now April.  He stated that he was let out of his contract at the Golf Club because he had an argument with a Board Member.  Girl interprets this as ‘Boy was shooting his mouth off, thinking he could get away with being the eccentric chef, with little clue as to how little power his position actually held’.  Boy, Lilith and the children had been living off of the severance package that he was provided with the termination.  (When Boy tells the story later it becomes that his contract ended and was not renewed….so why would they give you a severance package jackass!)