Speaking Jackass

Boy Comes Back from Europe

Posted in experience,money,moving,relationships,travel by girlhappynow on 06/09/2012
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And guess what?
NO MONEY….a watch, a camera and some pictures. Girl was fortunate enough to be living with her mom and dad with baby while boy was away. At least she was able to put away some money.

And to comment-guy….girl will never know if boy met another girl while he was away…girl had a suspicion that he did….and probably more than one!  He did have charm at that age….for some reason, upon return the charm did not seem to work as well.

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Money Issues, Of Course

When Girl asked how they would communicate about the kids, Boy said by email and that he would be getting an international cellphone so that he could call them.  He would not be giving Girl the number because she would not need it.  Girl could communicate with Lilith!  Lilith would be responsible for driving the kids to school and pick up from Girl’s mom’s.

Boy also explained that although his pay was not going to be the same as he was earning at the Golf Club, it was in US funds and also tax-free because it would be earned on international waters so he would come out way ahead. (HAHA)  Boy would not discuss his salary or provide evidence of it for Girl to be able to determine how much of Bubba’s orthodontic expenses he would need to cover.  As usual, it was up to Girl to pay for everything…even more so now that Boy would not be around.

For monetary concerns, as Girl was paying child support, Boy asked Girl to continue to put child support into a specific account that they had set up and was still held jointly for this purpose.  This amount of course, would cover the mortgage.