Speaking Jackass

The Affidavits Start

Posted in experience by girlhappynow on 10/29/2010
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Girl completed the affidavit outlining as many issues that have arisen with care of the children as she could possibly remember.  As a mom, Girl knew that the children needed to be with a parent…a biological parent….not Lilith…the stepmom of the wine bottle (oh, sorry, this story comes later).  Girl brought the bank documents about the house.  Girl was prepared to sell.  Because both their names were on the deed, this would not work. Girl was stuck working this out through the lawyers.

The affidavit process was long and emotional…lots of old anger dredging up, lots of wondering where the mistakes happened and of course assigning blame.  Girl will come to realize later that blame is not what is important, it’s getting it done quickly for the sake of the kids (and with the laws and inability of the family courts to actually do things quickly so that it is in the best interest of the children and not the lawyers).  This writing is happening 4 and a half years after the first signature was placed on a document…and it’s still not over.

Girl’s mom went to swear an affidavit outlining everything she knew about the care of the children or lack of, including all the care she provided.  Numerous times the children told her things that happened and begged her not to share it with their father because he would punish them.  Things like when they were sick at night, they would have to go get their own Tylenol and not go in Boy’s room; when Bubba’s ear was bleeding due to an ear infection, he was punished for soiling his pillow with blood; how Peanut was punished for teasing the dog even though the dog nipped Peanut in the face.  (and there is so much more…because Girl can hear it in the anger in the children’s voices when they mention things in passing).  This was good for MammaMia because she could let it out and everyone could know what a jerk Boy really was to the boys.  (needless to say, this was just the beginning of jerk-jackass status).